Giving to Duluth First United Methodist Church

Giving shows God is Lord of our lives. When we give, we simply offer him a portion of the abundance He has already given to us. Giving is an expression of our thankfulness and praise to God. It comes from a heart of worship that recognizes everything we have and give already belongs to the Lord.


When we put our hope in God's provision, we can rest assured that He will provide for our needs. Our giving is a reminder of the blessings God gives us and gave to us through Jesus Christ.


“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap, for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”

Luke 6:38 (NRSV)

Opportunities for Giving at Duluth First United Methodist Church


    For our best life, God calls us to tithe (give 10%). Most of us are not there yet. But we are growing one step each year toward that goal. Try giving 1% more of your income to God each year until you're giving 10% (tithing). Live abundantly! (John 10:10)

    Online giving provides the flexibility for our members to give how they want to, regardless of day or time. You’ll be able to give your tithe and offerings in several different ways. We have links where you can give:

    • Click on General Fund to make a gift to the General Giving Fund. Recurring giving is available for this option.
    • Click on Building Fund to make a gift to Duluth First UMC’s Building Fund. Recurring giving is available for this option.
    • Click on Long-Term Facilities Maintenance to make a gift to the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Fund. Recurring giving is available for this option.
    • Click on Memorial Gift to make a gift to Duluth First UMC in memory of a loved one.
    • Click on Miscellaneous Gift to make a gift to a specific ministry in the church.
    • Click on Christmas Gift to make a gift to this year's Christmas Gift Fund, where you can make your gift to the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Fund.

    You can also give using the ShelbyNext Giving mobile giving app (see below). Part of the flexibility we are giving you is the payment method you use to give. You can also give with a credit or debit card with any of the giving mediums mentioned above.

    Online giving helps all of us better develop a habit of giving regularly, and to be better stewards by affording you the opportunity to give on a regular basis. You will be able to set up recurring giving to both the General Giving Fund and the Building Fund. How many of you pay bills online? This is much the same, but it’s not just paying a bill.


    Pray about how God is calling you to give and be a faithful and obedient steward in our mission of making disciples. Giving is truly a worship experience, and online giving can enrich that experience. Without it, we may miss out on an significant way of becoming more like Christ, both as individuals and as members of His Church.

    We love the opportunity to be faithful in our tithe and offerings to God, who loves a cheerful giver.

    For more information about the use of credit cards, debit cards, or to get more information about ACH withdrawal, please contact Jan Jones, Financial Assistant, by e-mail at or call 770-476-3776, ext. 113.


    Not too long ago, an article appeared in the church publications entitled “Let’s Head ‘Em Off at the Pass.”  The article was focused on being proactive when it comes to any issues that might cause problems in the future.  We mentioned that, just like in old Western movies when the good guys hop on their trusty steeds and ride off to intercept the bad guys before they can get to town, we, as a congregation, needed to increase our 2024 giving by 10% to keep the church from experiencing a budget shortfall.

    As members of the church’s Finance and Stewardship Committees, its time for us to say, “Thank you!”

    Since that last article, our congregation has really stepped up and the church has experienced a significant increase in our regular giving.  As we mentioned at the most recent Administrative Council meeting, the church is off to a good start in 2024.  The bottom line first quarter results for 2024 show that the church is about $81,000 ahead of last year’s first quarter results.

    Heading off that budget shortfall at the pass was a success and the church’s financial health is still in good shape.

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch…we can’t rest on our laurels.  We don’t want those budget shortfall bad guys to “show their ugly faces around these parts anymore!”  So, we would like to encourage everyone to continue that increased giving level throughout 2024.  Yes, let’s celebrate our accomplishments and praise God for the generous hearts of everyone in our church.  We can all be proud of the way we’ve stepped up to meet the needs of our church.  But let’s not become complacent.  “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9).  Instead, let’s continue to be good stewards of all the provisions and blessings that God has given us and make sure that we finish 2024 on a strong note.

    In His Service,
    Don Greene, Finance Committee Chairman
    Bryan Johnson, Stewardship Committee Chairman

  • Talking Points Regarding the Church’s Budget for 2024

    1. The church’s budget is about $1.8 million dollars per year.

    • That covers all programs, ministries, staff, utilities, etc., to keep this church going.

    2. Staff does an excellent job of controlling expenses.

    • They are very aware of how much money is available to spend, and they are good stewards of that money.

    3. Giving from tithes and offerings went down in 2023 by about 4%.

    • That means we got less revenue than we were expecting.
    • That led to an overall loss for the year to the tune of about $142,000.

    4. Our church is pretty healthy when it comes to our finances.

    • In fact, we are healthier now than we were 10 years ago.
    • We are healthier than many other churches out there.
    • Because of that financial health, we can weather that $142,000 loss from 2023, but we don’t want to see that happen again in 2024.

    5. So, to avoid another big loss year, and to avoid getting to the point where we have to make some cuts to programming, ministries, and staff, we want to be proactive.

    • We want to head off any potential problems at the pass before they get here.
    • We are asking everyone to increase their giving by 10%.
    • Whether you completed a pledge card or not, we would like to see everyone increase their giving plans by 10%.
    • So, if you give $100 per week, please start giving $110 per week.
    • 10% is a suggestion, not a limit. If you can give more, please do.
    • We would like to see everyone do that sooner rather than later.
    • We don’t want to get to the point where cuts become necessary, so we need to be proactive now.
    • A 10% increase isn’t much, and if everyone in the church does it, then we won’t have to worry about the prospect of potential cuts in the future.

    6. The Finance Committee and Stewardship Committee members believe that our church is very capable of giving sufficiently to our budget. But it takes everyone in the church to do so.

    • Our church does so much good. And YOU make it possible through your giving.
    • Everyone needs to step up if they can.

    In His Service,

    Don Greene,

    Chair of the Finance Committee

    Bryan Johnson,

    Chair of the Stewardship Committee



    I recently heard a pastor talking about a conversation he had with his wife that turned into a great sermon.  His wife had prepared some hot apple cider to take to an event at their church.  She put the cider into a Thermos to keep it warm.  As she was pouring, she quickly discovered that she couldn’t fit all the cider in the Thermos without it overflowing, so she took the extra and put it into a coffee mug for her husband, the pastor, to enjoy.  When he came into the kitchen, he saw the mug of hot cider and said to his wife, “Thank you, honey.  You’re blessing me with your overflow.”  She responded, “Honey, I live in the overflow.”  Instantly, the sermon antennae on his head perked up (he was a pastor, after all), and he realized that “living in the overflow” is what happens to us when we let God fill our heart with His mercy, grace, and love.

    Our hearts aren’t big enough to hold all of God’s love, and that’s the point!  When our hearts are filled to the brim with His love, He just keeps pouring and, pretty soon, our cups runneth over.  God not only gives us everything we need to live life, but He gives us enough to live abundantly.  Jesus said in John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”  Our cups are overflowing with His mercy, grace, and love.  “Living in the overflow” means that you acknowledge that you have more than enough to simply survive.  You have enough to share with others.  As Christians, we are all filled to overflowing so that we can spill some of that love and grace and mercy onto each other and onto the world.

    Most of us are familiar with Matthew 6:21 in which the scripture tells us, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  We find a similar message in 1Timothy 6:18-19 where Paul says to Timothy, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.”  In other words, Paul is telling us to “live in the overflow.”  That’s where the “life that is truly life” is found.  Loving God, loving our neighbors, and shining the light Christ in everything we do.

    As we enter the Fall season, the season of stewardship in our church, it’s time to take a look at our lives and ask ourselves where our treasure truly lies.  Are you taking your overflow of mercy, grace, and love and sharing it with others?  Are you using your time, talents, gifts, and witness to support Duluth First United Methodist Church in its mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?

    In his sermon, the pastor said, “My overflow may only fill a cup or two.  But together, our overflow is like a raging river of God’s power.”

    As you take time to consider growing one step in your giving plans for 2024, realize that your giving – whatever amount that is – joins with everyone else’s and helps God’s love spill over onto the world.

    Take some time to live in the overflow.  It’s where life is truly found.

    In His service,

    Bryan Johnson,

    Duluth First UMC Stewardship Chairperson

    If you are ready to make your Estimate of Giving to the 2024 Stewardship Campaign, you can do it online by clicking on 2024 ESTIMATE OF GIVING.

    Click on GROW ONE STEP to download copies of the 2024 Grow One Step charts.

  • Giving to the Church and Best Practices for Giving

    We are thankful for your gifts to the church and we welcome them in many ways. Below are some of the ways you can give:
    Preferred (safe):

    • Recurring online gift. Click on ONLINE GIVING and follow the prompts to set up recurring giving. This allows you to give automatically a specific amount at whatever interval you choose - once a week, once a month, once a year, whatever works best for you. If you are growing one step each year toward the tithe (10%), as many of us are, all you have to do is change the amount once each year to reflect that growth, and it’s done!
    • Giving online, whether in-person or remote. Click on the QR code printed in the order of worship if worshiping in-person, or click the link on the screen if you are worshiping online.
    • Through the church website anytime: duluthumc. org, go the the ONLINE GIVING page (bank account or credit card).
    • Check in-person.
    • Cash in-person.

    Not preferred (less safe):

    • Check or cash sent through the mail.
    • Using the bill pay service through your bank (this ends up being a paper check that is sent through the  mail).

    While the church welcomes any gift, we have found the most safe and efficient ways to give are in-person or online through the church website and we recommend recurring giving. We would recommend NOT sending gifts through the mail at this time as we have had a few issues receiving gifts through the mail. Additionally, if you are using your bank’s bill pay service to send your gifts, they are likely sending your gift by check through the mail.


    On Sunday, February 6th, we kicked off the Crossing the Finish Line 2022-2028 Capital Campaign. This is an exciting time for our church. With the pledges from this campaign, we have the very real possibility of paying off the mortgage and being debt free for the first time in decades.


    Duluth First United Methodist Church, the church family, and the community have been profoundly blessed by the building of the Family Life Center, especially in the areas of faith, hope, and love.  Some examples are:

    • FAITH: Youth Group, Children’s Ministries, Scouting, Contemporary Worship Services, Sunday School classes, Bible studies, Prayers and Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry;
    • HOPE:  Happy Sacks, Grief Share, Stephen Ministry, food drives for Hands of Christ Duluth Co-op;
    • LOVE: Wednesday Night Dinners, Hugs for Soldiers, Yarn Arts Ministry, support for Seneca Street UMC in Buffalo, NY.

    There are many more ministries that we have participated in which would not have been possible without the Family Life Center.  It is an integral part of our service to God, this church, and this community.


    The outstanding mortgage is $1.3M with monthly payments of $20,000.  We will pay this debt off with this Capital Campaign which will see us Crossing the Finish Line. Imagine how much more we will be able to grow our ministries with the mortgage paid off.  What a celebration that will be! Isn’t it exciting to be a part of this endeavor?

    You can still make your pledge online by clicking on Crossing the Finish Line Online Pledge Form, or download a paper form by clicking on Crossing the Finish Line Paper Pledge Form.


    Please pray for our Church, our Church family, and this Campaign. Prayerfully consider the amount of your pledge, and let us join together in Crossing the Finish Line.


    Ann Fleming

    Campaign Chairperson


    In today’s digital age, virtually any action can be done on your smartphone, and giving to your church is no different. Giving is the lifeblood of church. Our giving is the sole support of all the ministries of our church. We are excited to announce that there is a new, additional method available to those wishing to make online financial gifts to Duluth First UMC. ShelbyNext Giving (formerly known as SimpleGive), the service we use for making online gifts to our church, is now offering a text-to-give option for making financial gifts. This service lets members give to our church easily and securely with their cell phones. If you are interested in utilizing this new way of making financial gifts to the church, please follow the directions below.


    (Click on TEXT GIVING INSTRUCTIONS if you wish to print out a set of instructions.)

    • Text the word GIVE to the church’s text giving number 1-770-343-3608.
    • If it’s your first time, you’ll be prompted to click a link directing you to the online giving page to complete a one-time registration.
    • Click “SIGN IN” then “REGISTER FOR AN ACCOUNT” at the bottom of the page.
    • Complete contact information then click “REGISTER.”
    • Enter the SECURE PIN that the system texts you.
    • Select the fund, enter the donation amount, and payment information before completing your gift. Click SAVE PAYMENT to keep your payment information securely saved for future gifts.


    • To text a donation after the one-time registration, you can give immediately without having to re-enter any of your information.
    • Simply text the desired amount and the fund keyword (see below) to the church’s text giving number (1-770-343-3608). Example: text “250 GF” for $250.00 to the General Fund.


    • EDIT – Make changes to your giving account and update contact information and/or update payment information.
    • REFUND – Refund your last gift. You must text “REFUND” within 15minutes to refund the gift. If you realize the mistake after 15 minutes, please contact Jan Jones, Financial Assistant, at 770-473-3776, ext. 113, or by e-mail at
    • KEYWORD –Keywords are the fund names that the church has set up for text giving. They are: GF – General Fund, BF-Building Fund, MG-Memorial Gift, LTFM-Long Term Facilities Maintenance, Other – all other gifts.

    If you have any questions about text-to-give or other giving options available to you, please contact Jan Jones, Financial Assistant, by e-mail at