Our Mission:

The Mission of Duluth First United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our church family has many faces, many gifts, and many opportunities to grow in faith and service. Here are some ministry highlights to get you started in finding your place in this warm and welcoming community of faith. From its beginnings over 150 years ago, our congregation has shared the love of Christ with the world and supported one another in our journey of faith. We would love for you and your family to be a part of our church family.

As you find an area of ministry that is particularly meaningful to you or that sparks your interest, call the staff member or lay person associated with that program. We would be honored to help you find your special place here—your place for worship, for study, for service and for a special group of caring Christian friends.

Rev. Terry Tippens,
Senior Pastor

Click on WELCOME TO DULUTH FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH to view a short welcome information video.

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