The Ministry of Care at Duluth First UMC:
Reaching Out and Caring for Others

The vision of the Ministry of Care at Duluth First United Methodist Church is to promote the Christian message of healing the body, mind, and spirit among all persons within our church and community. The Bible is very clear that as Christians, we are called to care for others through the giving of our time, resources, and ourselves. Getting caught up in our own lives and forgetting about the needs of others can be easy, but we are called to put others first. The foundation of community for God’s people can be summed up in the command to love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).

Maybe we need to be reminded of how our love for others contributes not just to their well-being, but to our own as well. If you have volunteered to help someone out, or have volunteered in any of the ministries in our church, you know this to be very true. The compassionate presence of Jesus to others reminds us that we are called to show compassion to others. Our presence is blessing to others, especially in times of need as we bring God’s comfort and peace to those around us.

Many different programs and support groups make up Duluth First UMC’s Ministry of Care. It is through the efforts, energy, and compassion of our volunteers that these programs are able to reach out to those in need. Please read about the following care programs and supports groups at Duluth First UMC, and see if there is a place where you can give of your time and talents through volunteering – your help is needed! Maybe one of the support groups can help you out in a season of life that you may be going through.

Thank you for your support and prayers for the Ministry of Care at Duluth First UMC.

Tracy Brinker and Linda Tonge
Ministry of Care Co-Chairs

Care Ministries


    Blood Drives are held 3 to 4 times per year, and all types of blood are needed. It is great to know your donation will help to save someone’s life.

    Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 14th
    Donate blood on Wednesday, May 14th, at a Blood Drive being held at Duluth First UMC from 3 to 7 p.m. in the Dorothy L. Rainey Fellowship Hall. To schedule an appointment:


    Our Timeless Blessings ministry provides a continuing connection from the church to those who are not able to attend on a regular basis. It includes those who are in Assisted Living, Memory Care, or home but are not able to get to church for Sunday services. Our desire is to continue the connection to the church and church members with Timeless Blessings in the form of visits, cards, calls and communion. We want to make sure they know they are not forgotten.
    The commitment is a visit once a month for a few minutes of conversation and prayers.  If you love talking with people this is a perfect opportunity to share God’s blessings in a timeless manner. Please contact Karen Smith by e-mail at or call 770-241-1651.


    The Hugs for Soldiers Ministry makes sure our U.S. troops deployed around the world know they are appreciated. Hugs for Soldiers mails out care packages, hygiene kits, cards and letters, Girl Scout cookies, and Christmas packages, and collects and delivers food for Thanksgiving meals. For more information, please visit their website at or contact Angie Doerlich by email at or call 404-316-8183.


    The Prayers & Squares Prayer Quilt Ministry provides prayer quilts for those with a severe medical illness. This group meets the 1st Tuesday and the 3rd Thursday of every month to prayerfully cut, sew and stitch to make the quilts. When the quilts are complete and one is requested, they are displayed in the Gathering Room and just outside Hinton Hall. Please take the time to tied a knot in one of the quilt strings and say a prayer.

    In order to request a  prayer quilt, it  must be sponsored by a member of Duluth First United Methodist Church. For more information, please contact Pam Rodie by e-mail at or Terrie Adkins by e-mail at or by phone at 678-516-4363.


    The Card Ministry sends greeting cards to church members in times of loss, illness, celebrations and other important occasions. This ministry assures members they are deeply cared and prayed for by the Duluth First UMC family.  For more information, please contact Ethel Sales by e-mail at


    Bereavement Meals provides a meal for a member’s family at home when it’s needed.  This meal is provided when the member does not have another support group in the church, and/or when a funeral reception is not planned for the member. For more information, please contact Linda Tonge by phone at 404-389-0683.


    The Homebound Eucharistic Ministry is a group of caring individuals who take monthly Holy Communion to homebound church members at their homes. For more information, please contact Deb Corser by e-mail at

  • “Surviving the Holidays” – A Grief Share Program

    Holiday celebrations take on a different meaning when you are grieving. Are you in need of finding a way to survive the holidays? Do you wonder how to celebrate when your loved one is gone?

    Join the Grief Share Support Group on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving week. This class may be beneficial in helping you plan a holiday schedule that is best for you during the holiday season. Childcare will be available.

    For additional information, please call the church office at 770-476-3776.


    “Sermons to Go” Ministry records the 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship services onto audio CD's and then distributes copies to homebound members and to those who have had a special event, such as a baptism. For more information, please contact Ken Willi by e-mail at or by phone at 770-476-3776, ext. 127.


    Wednesday Night Meal Delivery volunteers deliver delicious meals prepared by the Dinner Belles & Beaus to those who are homebound long or short-term. For more information, please contact Lorraine Day by e-mail at

Support Groups


    Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Monday through Friday from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Scout Hut, located at the rear of the church campus. For more information, please contact the church office by phone at 770-476-3776. For more information about Alcoholics Anonymous, please click on


    Caregivers Support Group, facilitated by the church’s Stephen Ministry, is there for you to walk with you on your journey and to help you feel less alone in the struggle in the role to be a caregiver to a loved one.  Caregivers Support Group meets in-person on the 1st Sunday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in room B113, the Counseling Center room. They meet online the remaining Sundays of each month. For more information, please contact Ann Dykes by email at


    The GriefShare Support Group, led by the church’s Stephen Ministers, will walk alongside you through the loss of a loved one. Our next session of weekly classes will start on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, and continue through April 2nd. Meeting from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in room F153, located on the 1st floor of the Sheldon Family Life Center, you will gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you through your grief. GriefShare also offers Bereavement Candlelight Services and a “Surviving the Holidays” class every year before the Thanksgiving holiday.

    For more information, please visit the GriefShare website at, or contact Tracy Brinker, Bereavement Coordinator, by e-mail at, or call 770-476-3776.


    Narcotics Anonymous meetings are held every Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Scout Hut, located at the rear of the church campus. For more information, please contact the church office by phone at 770-476-3776. For more information about Narcotics Anonymous, please click on